High-Frequency Technology Lab

The available equipment allows the manufacturing and measurement of microwave circuit prototypes up to 26.5 GHz.


This lab has been created with funding coming from the following sources:

  • PID2021-122856NB-C21 (State Subprogram for Knowledge Generation)
  • EQC2019-005583-P (State Subprogram for Research Infrastructures and Scientific-Technical Equipment). This project has been led by the Telecommunication Group and had the participation of the Non-ionizing and Ultrasonic Inspection Group, the Pattern Classification and Image Analysis Group, the Decision and Bayesian Inference Group and the Statistical Physics Group.
  • TEC2017-83352-C2-2-P (State Program for the Promotion of Scientific and Technical Research of Excellence. State Subprogram for Knowledge Generation)
  • GR18055 (Junta de Extremadura and FEDER Program)
  • GR21072 (Junta de Extremadura and FEDER Program)
  • GR10126 (Junta de Extremadura and FEDER Program)
  • Contract 041/21 (Art. 83) «Caracterización dieléctrica de troncos de olivos para el diseño de un sensor para la detección de estrés hídrico” (Diferenza Enabler, S.A.), in the context of the project IDA 1-19-0007-3 «Diseño y prototipo para detección de estrés hídrico en olivos basado en tecnología de microondas».