Efficient methods for antenna and high-frequency circuit design and their application.

This is a coordinated project involving researchers from the Universidad de Extremadura (UEx) and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). Most of the researchers involved in the project have a long history of collaboration in the development of analytical-numerical methods based on hybrid methods that make use of FEM, Modal Methods, Domain Decomposition, Reduced Order Models, MoM, etc., for analysis and design of microwave circuits and antennas. This line began more than 20 years ago and has led to the software package SC-SEGFEM.

In this project, we are enhancing the capabilities of SC-SEGFEM software. This includes expanding its analysis functionalities and improving efficiency. The enhanced capabilities will introduce new formulations for rapidly analyzing infinite and finite arrays, along with innovative synthesis methods for real antenna arrays.

Through the use of the software, innovative designs are being addressed, concretely complex antennas with symmetry of revolution, horns loaded with dielectrics and focused with lenses, radial line slot antennas for space communications, multi-beam antennas based on substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) for 5G communications and SIW and waveguide sensors for liquid characterization.

This project includes the realization of antennas, antenna arrays and resonator prototypes by advanced manufacturing techniques, concretely laser etching and 3D printing. In conjunction with SC-SEGFEM, additive manufacturing techniques allow designs based on complex shapes and multiple dielectric and artificial internal materials.

The project is structured into two subprojects: PID2021-122856NB-C21 (UEx) and PID2021-122856NB-C22 (UPM).